TM דיו לנצח is a pure דיו עשן for סת"ם which is strictly kosher - מהודר לכתחילה. It is manufactured in the USA by Torah observant Jews. It is כשר למהדרין under the supervision of OKaf Orthodox Kosher.
To Order Dio Lanetzach Contact
טל. ארה"ב Tel. USA +1-570-90
comטל. ארה"ב Tel. USA +1-570-90
דיו לנצח is water-resistant, flexible, and break-resistant. סת"ם written with דיו לנצח are so durable, that, even if we abuse them, they remain kosher. Folds and wrinkles in the קלף and wetting the קלף in water did not damage דיו לנצח.
דיו לנצח is certified and recommended by ועד משמרת סת"ם and by the world's greatest Rabbis.
To see the certifications and recommendations click here.
All conventional inks used by סופרים today contain קנקנתום and מי עפצים with acids. The acids burn the קלף and cause the ink to flake off when it gets old. This is a Greek ink formula introduced after חורבן בית שני. Before the חורבן, the only ink used by סופרים was דיו עשן. The Dead-Sea scrolls were written with דיו עשן - an ink which remained black on the קלף for 2,000 years. The Greek ink also contains gum. When the gum dries, the ink cracks, breaks, and falls off the קלף. Most defects found in non-kosher סת"ם today are caused by defects in this brittle Greek ink.
Comparing the strength of dry ink.
Left: conventional Greek ink - very brittle, easily breaks into splinters.
Right: דיו לנצח - flexible like rubber, does not break and does not tear.
Water is flowing over a parchment written with דיו לנצח.
The ink did not dissolve and did not smear.
This parchment was written with דיו לנצח. It was soaked with water as shown
The Greek ink loses its black color over time and turns red. The reason is that the קנקנתום contains iron. The iron reacts with oxygen in the air and turns into rust. דיו לנצח, on the other hand, remains black forever. Without קנקנתום there is no iron, no rust, and no red color.
It is very difficult to make good ink with עשן. Therefore, the Greek ink rarely contains it. And, if it does, it contains only minute amounts. דיו לנצח, on the other hand, is a pure דיו עשן with strong flexible adhesives and strengthening materials. The עשן ensures that the ink will remain black forever. Since it has no קנקנתום, it can never fade or turn red like the Greek ink. The flexible adhesives and the strengthening materials help דיו לנצח to adhere well to the קלף and not break off. דיו לנצח adheres to the קלף so well that nothing can get it off, except scraping it with a knife when it is necessary to correct a mistake.
All פוסקים agree that only דיו עשן is כשר לכתחילה. The Greek ink with קנקנתום is kosher בדיעבד. It was permitted also לכתחילה because there was no other choice. Most of the ראשונים prohibit ink which does not contain עשן. Some ראשונים prohibit ink with קנקנתום, while others prohibit ink with מי עפצים. The Greek ink was allowed only because there was no other choice. A good דיו עשן was not available. Even those who allowed the Greek ink with קנקנתום, say that דיו עשן is better - למצוה מן המובחר.
Parchments written with דיו לנצח were folded back and forth 200 times and the ink was not damaged. They were also immersed in water and the ink was not smeared. דיו לנצח is also free from the acids found in the Greek ink. (The Greek ink contains acids - this is why it smells like vinegar. The acids burn the קלף and cause the ink to flake off when it gets old.)
סת"ם written with דיו לנצח are intended to stay kosher forever. Because of the flexibility, water-resistance, no acids, and strong adhesion of the ink, they can remain kosher longer than any other סת"ם written in the past 2,000 years.
You work hard and take pride in the סת"ם you write. Don't you want your סת"ם to remain kosher for hundreds, maybe thousands, of years?
How To Use דיו לנצח
דיו לנצח flows differently from Greek ink. Changing from one ink to another, always requires some practice and getting used to the different flow of the new ink.
Cut the קולמוס in such a way that will match it to the ink flow, to the writing speed, to the tilt angle of the קולמוס relative to the קלף, and to the tilt angle of the table relative to the ground. General instructions for cutting a קולמוס can be found here [1][2]. After dipping the קולמוס in the ink, some Sofrim touch the surface of the ink again with the tip of the קולמוס to let down excess ink from the קולמוס .
The best kind of קלף for writing with דיו לנצח is dense, with no hair, and not porous. Avoid using low-quality porous spongy soft קלף which soaks the ink and causes spreading. The best way to test the quality of the קלף is with test-water that contains 90% water and 10% alcohol. (For example: 1 part of vodka with 40% alcohol and 3 parts water, or 1 part of 90% isopropyl alcohol and 8 parts water.) Drip a drop of test water on the edge of the קלף . If the drop soaks in, in less then one minute, it is bad-quality קלף . If the drop stays on the קלף as a bead for three minutes or more, it is good quality קלף .
In the evening, or a few hours before use, turn the bottle or the ink-well upside down and shake well. A new bottle needs to be shaken longer for the first time. Wait a few hours for the foam to settle down.
For writing on גויל use only גויל without קטירה. The קטירה prevents the ink from adhering to the גויל .
דיו לנצח can be diluted only with clean water, preferably distilled water. Do not add a “מדלל” or any other material to the ink. Be extra careful to keep the ink away from liquid Greek ink and from vinegar or any other acid. Do not leave the bottle open all night to make the ink thicker. Refill the קסת in the evening at the end of the writing day. Do not leave the קסת half empty overnight.
On a dry day, raise the humidity in the room to 60% . If the ink dries on the קולמוס, it can be easily wiped off with alcohol (preferably 90%). All alcohol types are good. Wipe the קולמוס with alcohol, especially the slit, every 20-30 minutes, to prevent drying. דיו לנצח is water resistant - it does not wash off in water when dry.
To make corrections, wait for the ink to dry. Then, scrape it lightly with a sharp knife. It is easy to scrape off, and leaves a clean קלף . The use of דיו לנצח saves a lot of time which is otherwise wasted on corrections.
Before folding פרשיות של ראש wait at least 24 hours, for more complete drying of the ink. After making a small correction on Tfillin or Mezuzah (which never includes a large area of ink) you can wait at least one hour for regular drying, then use a warm hair drier for a few minutes to speed up the drying. NEVER use a hair dryer on wet ink.The ink dries in stages. Complete drying of the ink takes about 3 weeks.
There is a special formula (#114) of דיו לנצח for use in a Rapidograph pen. To prevent drying of the ink when the pen is not in use, add a few drops of water to the pen cover before closing it, and keep the pen vertically with the writing tip down. To clean a clogged pen, soak all parts in alcohol overnight. Do not let דיו לנצח come in contact with alcohol. It can damage the ink.
A Note About Sharp Writing
The שלחן ערוך and קסת הסופר say that סת"ם writing should be a little thick, avoiding sharp thin lines, to protect the ink from falling off too soon. Some סופרים write with sharp thin lines, contrary to what the שלחן ערוך and קסת הסופר say. Sharp writing looks nice when new and brings glory to the סופר. However, אור זרוע says that a סופר should strive to minimize his own glory and maximize the glory of שמים by writing a little thick.
Most buyers don't know that the writing should be a little thick, without sharp thin lines. They want their סת"ם to remain kosher for as long as possible. Therefore, sharp writing may have in it an element of misleading the buyer.
With the Greek ink, thin lines remain on top of the upper fibers of the קלף and do not bind well to them. That's why they can sometimes fall off. דיו לנצח on the other hand, wraps the upper fibers and adheres well to them. The superb adhesion of דיו לנצח to the קלף helps the writing to be a little thick, as required.
All conventional inks used by סופרים today contain קנקנתום and מי עפצים with acids. The acids burn the קלף and cause the ink to flake off when it gets old. This is a Greek ink formula introduced after חורבן בית שני. Before the חורבן, the only ink used by סופרים was דיו עשן. The Dead-Sea scrolls were written with דיו עשן - an ink which remained black on the קלף for 2,000 years. The Greek ink also contains gum. When the gum dries, the ink cracks, breaks, and falls off the קלף. Most defects found in non-kosher סת"ם today are caused by defects in this brittle Greek ink.
Comparing the strength of dry ink.
Left: conventional Greek ink - very brittle, easily breaks into splinters.
Right: דיו לנצח - flexible like rubber, does not break and does not tear.
Water is flowing over a parchment written with דיו לנצח.
The ink did not dissolve and did not smear.
This parchment was written with דיו לנצח. It was soaked with water as shown
in the previous photograph then dried, three times. The ink was not smeared.
The upper left corner and the lower right corner were sharply folded
forwards and backwards, 200 times, and the ink did not crack.
The upper left corner and the lower right corner were sharply folded
forwards and backwards, 200 times, and the ink did not crack.
The Greek ink loses its black color over time and turns red. The reason is that the קנקנתום contains iron. The iron reacts with oxygen in the air and turns into rust. דיו לנצח, on the other hand, remains black forever. Without קנקנתום there is no iron, no rust, and no red color.
It is very difficult to make good ink with עשן. Therefore, the Greek ink rarely contains it. And, if it does, it contains only minute amounts. דיו לנצח, on the other hand, is a pure דיו עשן with strong flexible adhesives and strengthening materials. The עשן ensures that the ink will remain black forever. Since it has no קנקנתום, it can never fade or turn red like the Greek ink. The flexible adhesives and the strengthening materials help דיו לנצח to adhere well to the קלף and not break off. דיו לנצח adheres to the קלף so well that nothing can get it off, except scraping it with a knife when it is necessary to correct a mistake.
All פוסקים agree that only דיו עשן is כשר לכתחילה. The Greek ink with קנקנתום is kosher בדיעבד. It was permitted also לכתחילה because there was no other choice. Most of the ראשונים prohibit ink which does not contain עשן. Some ראשונים prohibit ink with קנקנתום, while others prohibit ink with מי עפצים. The Greek ink was allowed only because there was no other choice. A good דיו עשן was not available. Even those who allowed the Greek ink with קנקנתום, say that דיו עשן is better - למצוה מן המובחר.
Parchments written with דיו לנצח were folded back and forth 200 times and the ink was not damaged. They were also immersed in water and the ink was not smeared. דיו לנצח is also free from the acids found in the Greek ink. (The Greek ink contains acids - this is why it smells like vinegar. The acids burn the קלף and cause the ink to flake off when it gets old.)
סת"ם written with דיו לנצח are intended to stay kosher forever. Because of the flexibility, water-resistance, no acids, and strong adhesion of the ink, they can remain kosher longer than any other סת"ם written in the past 2,000 years.
You work hard and take pride in the סת"ם you write. Don't you want your סת"ם to remain kosher for hundreds, maybe thousands, of years?
How To Use דיו לנצח
דיו לנצח flows differently from Greek ink. Changing from one ink to another, always requires some practice and getting used to the different flow of the new ink.
Cut the קולמוס in such a way that will match it to the ink flow, to the writing speed, to the tilt angle of the קולמוס relative to the קלף, and to the tilt angle of the table relative to the ground. General instructions for cutting a קולמוס can be found here [1][2]. After dipping the קולמוס in the ink, some Sofrim touch the surface of the ink again with the tip of the קולמוס to let down excess ink from the קולמוס .
The best kind of קלף for writing with דיו לנצח is dense, with no hair, and not porous. Avoid using low-quality porous spongy soft קלף which soaks the ink and causes spreading. The best way to test the quality of the קלף is with test-water that contains 90% water and 10% alcohol. (For example: 1 part of vodka with 40% alcohol and 3 parts water, or 1 part of 90% isopropyl alcohol and 8 parts water.) Drip a drop of test water on the edge of the קלף . If the drop soaks in, in less then one minute, it is bad-quality קלף . If the drop stays on the קלף as a bead for three minutes or more, it is good quality קלף .
In the evening, or a few hours before use, turn the bottle or the ink-well upside down and shake well. A new bottle needs to be shaken longer for the first time. Wait a few hours for the foam to settle down.
For writing on גויל use only גויל without קטירה. The קטירה prevents the ink from adhering to the גויל .
דיו לנצח can be diluted only with clean water, preferably distilled water. Do not add a “מדלל” or any other material to the ink. Be extra careful to keep the ink away from liquid Greek ink and from vinegar or any other acid. Do not leave the bottle open all night to make the ink thicker. Refill the קסת in the evening at the end of the writing day. Do not leave the קסת half empty overnight.
On a dry day, raise the humidity in the room to 60% . If the ink dries on the קולמוס, it can be easily wiped off with alcohol (preferably 90%). All alcohol types are good. Wipe the קולמוס with alcohol, especially the slit, every 20-30 minutes, to prevent drying. דיו לנצח is water resistant - it does not wash off in water when dry.
To make corrections, wait for the ink to dry. Then, scrape it lightly with a sharp knife. It is easy to scrape off, and leaves a clean קלף . The use of דיו לנצח saves a lot of time which is otherwise wasted on corrections.
Before folding פרשיות של ראש wait at least 24 hours, for more complete drying of the ink. After making a small correction on Tfillin or Mezuzah (which never includes a large area of ink) you can wait at least one hour for regular drying, then use a warm hair drier for a few minutes to speed up the drying. NEVER use a hair dryer on wet ink.The ink dries in stages. Complete drying of the ink takes about 3 weeks.
There is a special formula (#114) of דיו לנצח for use in a Rapidograph pen. To prevent drying of the ink when the pen is not in use, add a few drops of water to the pen cover before closing it, and keep the pen vertically with the writing tip down. To clean a clogged pen, soak all parts in alcohol overnight. Do not let דיו לנצח come in contact with alcohol. It can damage the ink.
A Note About Sharp Writing
The שלחן ערוך and קסת הסופר say that סת"ם writing should be a little thick, avoiding sharp thin lines, to protect the ink from falling off too soon. Some סופרים write with sharp thin lines, contrary to what the שלחן ערוך and קסת הסופר say. Sharp writing looks nice when new and brings glory to the סופר. However, אור זרוע says that a סופר should strive to minimize his own glory and maximize the glory of שמים by writing a little thick.
Most buyers don't know that the writing should be a little thick, without sharp thin lines. They want their סת"ם to remain kosher for as long as possible. Therefore, sharp writing may have in it an element of misleading the buyer.
With the Greek ink, thin lines remain on top of the upper fibers of the קלף and do not bind well to them. That's why they can sometimes fall off. דיו לנצח on the other hand, wraps the upper fibers and adheres well to them. The superb adhesion of דיו לנצח to the קלף helps the writing to be a little thick, as required.
To Order Dio Lanetzach Contact
טל. ארה"ב Tel. USA +1-570-90
comטל. ארה"ב Tel. USA +1-570-90
Limited warranty: If the ink is defective, the bottle will be replaced - no charge.
Statements herein may never be interpreted as a warranty on סת"ם. We have no control over the parchments or over what is done with the ink and how it is used after it is sold.
Statements herein may never be interpreted as a warranty on סת"ם. We have no control over the parchments or over what is done with the ink and how it is used after it is sold.
Each of the expressions in
the following list, when used in relation to leather, parchment, ink,
and paint products, is a trademark owned by Zvi Shkedi and his sons.
לנצחTM, דיו לנצחTM, סת"ם לנצחTM, מזוזה לנצחTM, תורה לנצחTM, מגילה לנצחTM, תפילין לנצחTM
קלף לנצחTM, כשר לנצחTM, כשרים לנצחTM, שחור לנצחTM
Kosher-ForeverTM, LanetzachTM, Dio-LanetzachTM
Copyright 2009 Zvi Shkedi. All Rights Reserved.
כל הזכויות שמורות
Statements herein may never be interpreted as a warranty
Patents pending